Monday, August 13, 2012

Scott Jacoby

Fans of the made-for-television movies of the 1970's may remember Scott Jacoby, for he seemed to be in a lot of them. What separated him from the other television actors, though, was the fact that he was often in really good productions.

In fact he even won an Emmy for one them - That Certain Summer, where he played a teenager trying to cope with his fathers homosexuality. This was a big deal in 1972 and he brought to the subject sensitivity and honesty, which wasn't always the case with a made-for-television film.

This was followed by another memorable television performance in the creepy, Bad Ronald, where he played a teenager who lived inside the walls of a home owned by another family. A lot of guest starring work on television shows like The Rookies and Marcus Welby, M.D. came next, as well as a co-starring role opposite Jodie Foster in the theatrical release of The Little Girl That Lives Down The Lane.

But a film career never developed. At that time, television actors rarely crossed over to feature films and with his success on the small screen it looked like he was there to stay. However as the networks cut back on their made-for-television movies, Scott Jacoby disappeared from the limelight.

It's now been over twenty years since he as been seen on any screen. He was a talented young man and it would have been interesting to see where his acting career would have taken him. Instead, Scott Jacoby will just have to settle for being Not Very Famous...but should be.


  1. I completely agree

  2. You forgot to mention, he played Michael Zbornak in 3 episodes of the Golden Girls. He was the son of Bea Arthur's character. Additionally, his younger brother played a grandson of Blanche's.

  3. I hope to fine someone who looks just like Scott Jacoby
    I'm an 29 year old African American female who loves white men

    1. Omg what an childish ignorant comment to post..

  4. I'm a 51 year old gay man who had a hugh crush on actor Scott Jacoby when he played Michael Zbornak on the Golden Girls. Would love to see Scott today...

  5. He was probably my favourite actor of all time.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I worked with him once. He had questionable management. Same as Linda Purl.

  8. I still google him

  9. He was so talented. It's a shame that his career never had the same momentum in the 80s. I enjoyed his guest appearances on "The Golden Girls" (he also appeared in an episode of "Murder, She Wrote"). He started young, being nominated for a Tony at age 12, and it looks like his siblings were also in acting as well. Makes you wonder if their parents pushed them into it. Either way, Scott Jacoby was very natural onscreen and certainly deserved the Emmy he won for "That Certain Summer". My feeling is that he opted to do something more stable career-wise since he had a family to support. I always enjoy watching his work and I hope that he is well. Great post!

  10. He is on right now "Our Winning Season" movie from 1978... Deep voice... Nice looking.

  11. Agreed, great talent, and hope he has had a great life!

  12. Loved him in The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane!

    1. Oh yes! I was a huge fan. Bad Ronald.

  13. Loved him in The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane!

  14. I am watching The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane right now for the first time. Scott Jacoby seemed so familiar, but I could not place him. Very talented actor. Too bad he is just a vague memory from the seventies.

    1. where is he?

    2. I agree and thought he was really good in that movie

  15. He was my major crush for all of junior high and high school.

  16. I met Scott in about 1968 when he was living in Flushing New York. He and I were about the same age. Scott was well known among kids as he was doing a lot of TV toy ads at the time. He seemed like a really nice guy - no pretensions. I thought he was great in Bad Ronald. I followed his career because of that meeting and it was too bad (for me) when he gave up acting, but I hope he is happy and well.

  17. I also remember him from.
    " El Malbado Ronald " a tv thriller movie from the 70s.

  18. I spent July 4th,1979 with your family. i was a friend of Suzy'sand I'm hoping to reconnect with her! my name is Teri Marshall(Sullivan) and i would be much obliged if you could have her email me at Billy might remember me since i was with Susan when she would drive Billy and Chris to the bad news bears set and karate class. i went to Hollywood professional school where my brother was a teacher, but i was from Massachusetts. I wish her and your family all the best and hope to hear from her so we can catch up! Thank you very much

  19. Every time Scott Jacoby is on screen, i'm mesmerized. Thank goodness for DVR �� i record all his appearances.
    Of course, i developed a crush after watching 'The Litttle Girl Who Lives Down The Lane'. I hope he is happy & healthy❗️
    He deserves a great life, generously sharing his talent with people like me.

  20. So...I found this today: Could this be him? :)

  21. He had an agent in his family that's why he and all of his siblings were so prolific.

  22. This is THE Scott Jacoby in Dec. 2019

  23. Thanks for the recent pic! He is still very handsome!

  24. I still have a hand written postcard with his photo on from him from the 70s. I had a huge crush on him.
