Monday, May 14, 2012

Paul Dooley

Paul Dooley is one of the great character actors of all time. His performance as the father in the 1979 coming of age classic, Breaking Away, should have gotten him an Oscar nomination, but like so many other great talents before him, his name was no where to be found on the ballot.

We can relate to his characters because we recognize them. We see in him our own fathers, bosses and relatives. There's no Hollywood glitz or phoniness to anything that Paul Dooley brings to the screen. And maybe that's why he's flown under the radar throughout his long career.

Besides Breaking Away, which is probably is best role, Paul Dooley also stands out in Robert Altman's A Wedding, John Hughes'  Sixteen Candles and in Popeye, where he played the hamburger loving Wimpy.

Whether his role is a supporting one or smaller, Paul Dooley shines in everything he does, making him my pick for today for Not Very Famous...but should be.


  1. He was also great in "Shakes The Clown", and as Grace's boss, and appears in almost every episode of tv's "Grace Under Fire"

  2. He was also in "Strange Brew". Funny, dumb movie but he was always good in any of his performances.

  3. And married to So Called Life creator Winnie Holzman!

  4. Dooley also co-created and was one of the head writers for classic 70s PBS kids show THE ELECTRIC COMPANY.
